Ahora es el Presidente de Venezuela el que no llora, aun cuando un pajarito-el fallecido Chávez-le murmura al oído algunos secretos. Y el pueblo de Venezuela sufriendo como nunca y él no derrama ni una lágrima por el hambre que asola al país.
única excepción a esta falta de sentimiento humano fue el Führer
Adolfo Hitler. Algunos testigo de la época decían que las lágrimas
bañaban su cara al presenciar en el teatro una Sinfonía de Richard
Wagner, creo si mi mente no me falla, era Tannhauser o Los Maestros
cantores de Núremberg, obras que exaltaban el nacionalismo alemán.
Minutos antes, había firmado las órdenes de la Solución Final o sea, el
exterminio de todos los judíos en los campos de concentración. ¿Cómo se
llama esta dicotomía existencial?
Dr Orlando Vicente Álvarez
THE TYRANTS DON'T CRY ,by orlando vicente,cuba
To paraphrase that famous Soviet film I think that 78 or 79 "Moscow do not cry or believe in tears.
That was demonstrated by the then Cuban Minister of the Armed Forces, Raul Castro, when the case of Ochoa and others.
He said then that he had looked in the mirror and his face ran thick tears for the children of those condemned to death. He was rehearsing to make a show before the Council of State and Ministers, so they would see that he was as human as the others.
But his speech in front of the TV did not convince anyone. Since when does a powerful and very powerful powerful cry?
At least Fidel did not make any fuss. The true owners of a country never cry. They say that ever since he was a child he never cried when he felt like his mother's breast, nor when he was beaten. He was a man obsessed with power and crying nothing. He did not establish empathy or with his numerous lovers nither his childers.
Even when he knew that death was coming, he did not shed a tear to the Lord for the forgiveness of his terrible sins.
Now it is the President of Venezuela who does not cry, even though a little bird-the late Chávez-whispers some secrets in his ear. And the people of Venezuela suffering as never and he does not shed a tear for the hunger that ravages the country.
The only exception to this lack of human feeling was the Führer Adolf Hitler. Some witnesses of the time said that the tears bathed his face to witness in the theater while were playing a Symphony by Richard Wagner, I think if my mind does not fail me, it was Tannhauser or The Masters singers of Nuremberg, works that extolled German nationalism.
Minutes before, he had signed the orders of the Final Solution, that is, the extermination of all the Jews in the concentration camps.
What is the name of this existential dichotomy?
To paraphrase that famous Soviet film I think that 78 or 79 "Moscow do not cry or believe in tears.
That was demonstrated by the then Cuban Minister of the Armed Forces, Raul Castro, when the case of Ochoa and others.
He said then that he had looked in the mirror and his face ran thick tears for the children of those condemned to death. He was rehearsing to make a show before the Council of State and Ministers, so they would see that he was as human as the others.
But his speech in front of the TV did not convince anyone. Since when does a powerful and very powerful powerful cry?
At least Fidel did not make any fuss. The true owners of a country never cry. They say that ever since he was a child he never cried when he felt like his mother's breast, nor when he was beaten. He was a man obsessed with power and crying nothing. He did not establish empathy or with his numerous lovers nither his childers.
Even when he knew that death was coming, he did not shed a tear to the Lord for the forgiveness of his terrible sins.
Now it is the President of Venezuela who does not cry, even though a little bird-the late Chávez-whispers some secrets in his ear. And the people of Venezuela suffering as never and he does not shed a tear for the hunger that ravages the country.
The only exception to this lack of human feeling was the Führer Adolf Hitler. Some witnesses of the time said that the tears bathed his face to witness in the theater while were playing a Symphony by Richard Wagner, I think if my mind does not fail me, it was Tannhauser or The Masters singers of Nuremberg, works that extolled German nationalism.
Minutes before, he had signed the orders of the Final Solution, that is, the extermination of all the Jews in the concentration camps.
What is the name of this existential dichotomy?
INTENTAN PERO...Muchas de las personas que deciden repatriarse no vuelven a vivir a Cuba de manera permanente
Muchas de las personas que deciden repatriarse no vuelven a vivir a Cuba de manera permanente
Mario A Melo AySoter 1ag l0asg 0:1065921red
Tengo 82 años, 4 hijos, 11 nietos, 2 bisnietos y una habitación de 12 m2.
no tengo mi casa ni mis cosas queridas, pero sí quien me arregla la
habitación, me hace la comida y la cama, me toma la tensión y me pesa.
no tengo las risas de mis nietos, el verlos crecer, abrazarse y
pelearse; algunos vienen a verme cada 15 días; otros, cada tres o cuatro
meses; otros, nunca...
Ya no hago croquetas, ni huevos rellenos, ni rulos de carne picada, ni punto, ni crochet.
Aún tengo pasatiempo para hacer sudoku que entretienen algo.
sé cuánto me quedará, pero debo acostumbrarme a está soledad; voy a
terapia ocupacional y ayudo en lo que puedo a quienes están peor que yo,
aunque no quiero intimar demasiado. Desaparecen con frecuencia.
Dicen que la vida se alarga cada vez más.
¿Para qué?
Cuando estoy sola, puedo mirar las fotos de mi familia y algunos recuerdos de casa que me he traído.
Y eso es todo.
que las próximas generaciones vean que la familia se forma para tener
un mañana (con los hijos) y devolver a nuestros padres el tiempo que nos
regalaron al criarnos.
"Cuidar de quien ya cuidó de nosotros, es la mayor de las honras."
Atte: Tu Madre, Tu Abuela, o Quizás Tu o Yo, en un futuro...
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